

Vocational Training cum Production Centre for the Visually Impaired, Kozhikode

Established in 1977, provides vocational training, general education, orientation & mobility training and braille literacy to the visually impaired youth.

Orientation and Mobility Training Programme

Provides training to the visually impaired persons to use white canes for independent travel.

Vocational Training cum Production Centre for the Visually Impaired Women, Pothanicaud, Eranakulam

Established in 1979, Provides vocational training, general education, braille literacy, training on home management and training on assistive technology to the visually impaired women.

Helen Keller Centenary Memorial Model School for the Blind, Karimpuzha, Palakkad

Established in 1980, recognized and aided by Sate Education Department; Classes upto 7th standerd and hostel for high school students; employes 25 persons including 10 visually impaired as teachers.

Training Centre for the Teachers of the Visually Handicapped, Karimpuzha, Palakkad

Strted in 1994 in collaboration with National Institute for the Visually Handicapped, Dehradun, under the ministry of social Justice and Empowerment and recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India; the only one of its kind in the State, employes 4 persons including one visually impaired as Lecturer

Braille Library, Thiruvanthapuram

Started in 1972, Collection of 4000 books in English, Hindi and Malayalam for the use of the visually impaired

Louis Braille Memorial Model School for the Blind, Kudayathur, Idukki

Established in 1997, recognized and aided by State Education Department; Classes upto 7th standerd and hostel for high school students; employes 12 persons including 5 visually impaired as teacher. It is a unique institution in the backword District of Idukki which caters to the educational needs of the visually impaired in this hilly region.

Braille Press, Thiruvanthapuram

Started in 1986, Print braille textbooks and other books for the visually impaired and distribute them free of cost; provides employment to 7 including visually impaired.


A quarterly journal in Braille for the visually impaired

Talking Book Studio and Library, Thiruvanthapuram

Started in 1997, records and distributes books on CDs for the use of the visually impaired.

Employment and Placement Services, Thiruvananthapuram

Endeavours to find employment opportunities for persons with visual disabilities in industrial establishment, Government office etc.

KFB Home for the Destitute Blind, Keezhuparambu, Malappuram

Started in 2009, provides free accomodation, food and helth care to the destitute visually impaired persons.

Self Employment Projects

Provides visually impaired persons with financial assistance and traing for self employment.

Welfare Fund

Provides financial assistance to the poor and needy visually impaired persons.

Welfare Centre, Thottada, Kannur

Chalk Making Unit, Book Binding Unit, Braille and CD Library; provides employment to 21 visually impaired and 5 sighted persons.

KFB Insight Project Thiruvananthapuram

KFB Insight project aims at giving the needy visually impaired, training in assistive technology such us computer applications, mobile applications and other essential technological tools.

KFB Daisy Project Thiruvananthapuram

KFB Daisy project provides the needy visually impaired with accessible audioversions of both accademic and non academic resourses free of cost through an online library.

District Officers and Welfare Centres

KFB Unit Officers and Welfare Centres function in all the 14 Districts in the Stae. They offer guidance counselling, information services and other welfare measures to the visually impaired and other disabled persons.